Wednesday 28 March 2012


Tigers belong in the same family as your pussycat. 
Tigers eat mostly wild boar and deer, though sometimes they hunt bigger animals, like elephant calves! Tigers stalk their prey by creeping quietly forward so the animal doesn’t hear them, then pouncing.
Female tigers have cubs when they are about four or three. Their den is a cave or clump of bushes. Baby tigers follow their mothers for up to 3 years, then depart to look for their own place to live.  
Tigers are the biggest feline in the cat family. They are red-orange with black stripes and a white ruff around their face. There are also white tigers in the world; pure white with dark stripes. ‘Golden tabby tigers’ can be seen, but they are very rare. ‘Golden tabby tigers’ or ‘Strawberry tigers’ are golden with white underbelly and legs. Because of tiger hunters, tigers are extremely endangered.
Bengal tigers are found in India. They like grasslands and swamps, as well as rainforest. Tigers’ stripes blend in with the grass. Strangely, Tigers love to swim. 
Tigers can live up to 26 years in captivity, though they don’t survive for very long in the wild. 


  1. I wonder why tigers live longer in captivity than in the wild. If someone asked me that question (where do tigers live the longest?) I certainly would have said "the wild". The tiger looks just as if he/she is about to jump out of the picture! Love it.

    1. Tigers live longer in zoos because there they are protected from predators, such as human hunters who kill the tigers for their fur. Luckily, that is banned in most places.
      Thanks for asking!
