Thursday 23 February 2012

Blue-footed boobies

Blue-footed boobies are called "boobies" because they are clumsy. They are clumsy on land, but not in the sky.
Blue-footed boobies eat fish, hunting them by diving down from the sky or sitting on the water waiting for a school of fish to swim by.
Blue-footed boobies are marine birds. They nest on rocky ledges, and spend their days flying above the ocean and resting on islands. 
To attract a female, the male will spread his wings and stamp his feet to try and impress her. Once they have mated and built a nest, the pair take turns sitting on the eggs. When they are two months old, baby Boobies can take care of themselves.
Blue-footed boobies are white with brown and black streaks on their heads. They have long dark grey beaks and their yellow eyes are on either side of their head.
They have long, skinny wings and startling blue feet. Their feet darken in colour as they age. They breath through the edges of their mouths because their nostrils are closed permanently for diving.
Female Blue-footed boobies are a bit bigger than the male birds. 
There are different types of boobies, like Red-footed boobies and Brown boobies.
Wild Blue-footed boobies live an average of 17 years.


  1. Dear Amelia
    I love your blog and I love these first two posts -- boobies and squirrels. I can see that you have worked very very hard on these -- and now I actually know a lot more than before. And the drawings are great. I didn't know there were other boobies besides the blue footed ones, OR that they lived so long! Anyway, I hope that you do some more posts even though you also have so much other stuff you like to do!

  2. Thanks Nana!
    It wasn't actually that hard; it was really quite fun!
    I'm glad you enjoy it! :)
