Cats are small, furry mammals and are very popular house pets.
House cats now eat just cat food, but there are also wild cats. They eat small animals such as rabbits, squirrels, mice, and birds.
Cats used to live in the wild in forests, alleys, woods, and sometimes were found sneaking around in parks after dark. Most cats live in houses, though some have escaped humans and still live freely.
Once the male and female have mated, the female finds a safe, dark, and quiet spot to have her kittens, so their ears and eyes won’t be hurt by bright light or loud noise. The mother usually takes care of her kittens alone, while the father brings her food.
Cats have agile bodies and retractible claws. They have sharp teeth that they use to trap, kill and eat prey. They can see in the dark. This is because while they are in the light, cats store it in their irises so their eyes shine in the dark.
They can have long or short fur, and there are millions of different breeds, such as the curly-coated Rex cat, the Tortoiseshell, the haughty-looking Persian, and so on. They have large, pointed ears for pin-pointing prey in the wild. Cats can even be thought to be sleeping, when they’re actually listening to everything you say!
Cats can smell extraordinarily well. They have long, silky tails, except for the stumpy-tailed Minx.